G4 [ft. Viesta & Super Sport] – Ain’t Gonna Do Shit

Glen Parker, G4 (°1990, Youngstown, OH. United States) creates performances and conceptual artwork that provides comfort and design like a gulf-stream jet. In a search for new methods to ‘sky’s the limit’, G4 considers making music a craft which is executed using clear formal guidelines, always follow the G-Code to urban reality.

His performances have become famously known for their perfect finish and tactile nature. This is of great importance and bears witness to great craftsmanship like a G400 jet. By focusing on techniques and materials, he transcends the dynamics of landscape, including the manipulation of its effects and the limits of space, based on our assumptions of what landscape looks from at 45,000 feet high. G4’s mission is to be the new voice that honors the legacy of the great emcees who inspired him as a youth, infused with all that his generation has been exposed to musically and culturally.

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