SOMBRA – Casablanka

Casablanka is essentially about an empty house – as its title suggests. Something that feels foreign but you can’t really explain why. It’s supposed to be home, but its discomforting. It’s about the feeling you get when you know something isn’t right, and it materializes in the form of a chasing feeling, like something is breathing down your spine. Moreover, its about trying to live within this house because you know that despite your intuition’s attempts to chase you out the front door, it is still home.

In the music video — directed by Evangelos Desborough — a man who’s intentions aren’t clear is fatigued, stressed and on the verge of breaking. He drives a car around in the dark with no comprehensible end goal, but he continuously returns to the same roadside motel. There are hints of possible vices which might be contributing to his dejected demeanour, but there is no real solution or resolution at the end of the video. The motel is essentially his ‘blank house’, somewhere that he returns to — not because he wants to — but because he has to. It might also be a place of refuge, perhaps from another ‘blank house’ — his real home, somewhere he is consciously or subconsciously avoiding.


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