Spoken Arcane – Understand Me

Spoken Arcane (@spokenarcane), a name that resonates with resilience in the music industry, is back in the spotlight with his latest single, “Understand Me.” This release marks a significant turn in Arcane’s career, especially after his challenging journey of being tangled in a disadvantageous contract for almost half a decade. However, undeterred by the setbacks, Arcane has not only freed himself from these binds but also established his own label, paving the way for a more authentic and uninhibited artistic expression.

Known for his collaboration with Tekashi 69 in the song “Off,” Spoken Arcane has always been on the verge of becoming a legend in the music scene. His newest single, “Understand Me,” is a testament to his journey as an artist. It delves into the often unspoken hardships, pains, and sacrifices inherent in the life of an artist. Arcane’s music brings to light the solitary and pressure-filled path to greatness, echoing the sentiment that with great talent comes great responsibility.

When asked to describe his sound to someone who has never heard it, Arcane simply states “new trend setters.” This description is apt for his style, which often breaks the mold and sets new directions in the music industry. “Understand Me” is not just a song; it’s a narrative that captures the essence of an artist’s life, resonating with many who tread a similar path.

The music video for “Understand Me” is a product of Arcane’s vivid imagination and artistic vision. He describes the process as premeditated, where he visualized the concept before any filming began. The most striking scene involves him standing in a fountain, water cascading over him, captured in slow motion and reversed in post-production. This scene symbolizes the tumultuous journey of an artist, standing firm amidst the chaos of creativity and industry pressures.

Spoken Arcane’s return with “Understand Me” is not just a comeback; it’s a declaration of his unyielding spirit and artistic prowess. As he steps into this new chapter of his career with his own label, there’s a palpable excitement about what this self-liberated artist has in store.

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